Morgan County, Ohio
St Margaret's Roman Catholic Cemetery
St. Margaret's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Hackney Ohio.
Abbreviations--s/o=son of; d/o=daughter of; d=died, b=born; y=years; m=months; da=day.
Notes are in [] by the cemetery transcriber. Surnames are capitalized for ease
Transcribed by Judy Bedford
[These notes were taken by me on July 16, 1967. This cemetery was in
bad shape at that time and was defunct as a burial ground. The church
was in ruins I made a second trip at a different time of day(Aug 3,
1967) with my historian - friend Emmett Haines to see what he had to
say. He remembered attending mass in this church and some funerals.]
See Additional Information about the History of the Church
SHERLOCK, James M 1869-1947; "May his soul rest in peace"
SHERLOCK, Thomas Edward November 4, 1943
HOOK, Alice L 1874-1949
HOOK, Dolph 1870-1938; "May their souls rest in peace"
SHERLOCK, John P 1833-1884 [from "Morgan County Democrat" obit --d Dec 19, 1884 aged 51y 10m 4da.]
SHERLOCK, Mary A 1845-1928
MAGERS, Catherine w/o of Peter d Sept 13, 1845 aged 45y 7m 12da
PILKINGTON, Henry s/o R & G d Jan 22, 1842 aged 7y 3m 14da
Margaret d Jan 25,1843 [??1845] aged 1y [These two are enclosed within a gated fence.]
PILKINGTON, Rowland a native of England d July 30, 1852 in the 59 year of his age.
PILKINGTON, Catherine w/o Rowland d May 24, 1858 in the 58 yr of her age A native of England.
MOLYNEUX, Robert Sr b May 14, 1826 d Dec 19, 1906
MOLYNEUX, Jane, His wife b Nov 10, 1834 d May 24, 1921
GALLAGHAN, Thomas d Oct 8, 1849 Aged 64y 9m [NOTE from CC: Family members
state the spelling is actually Callaghan]
SHERLOCK, Dora M w/o ??? d June 6-? 1853
LUTGEN? [DUTCEN?], Mary B 1791-1882 [In 1967 an old time accurate local
historian, Emmet Haines, told me this was Dolph Hook's gr grandmother
and that she died near Stockport]
MULRINE Francis s/o J & C d Apr 16, 1850 aged 6y
RICE, William a native of County Louth Ireland d Aug 21 [or 31]
1843?..46 yrs. [Emmet Haines thought his name should be Thomas RICE ]
DUNLANEY, James April 28, 1841 age 39y Native of Donegal Ireland
[There is a blank area on the stone for his wife].
BAIN, Ellen w/o John a native of the county Clare Ireland Sept 29, 1858 aged 37y
PEDICORD, Susannah w/o Thomas d Feb 5, 1884. aged 82y
PEDICORD, Mary d/o Thomas & S departed Feb 4, 1848 in the 16th year of her life
SHERLOCK, Mary E b in Ireland June 15, 1811 d March 27, 1897 aged 85y 11m 12da
SHERLOCK, Ann Clare Sacred to the memory of w/o Patrick b in Queens county Ireland June 19, 1785 d Feb 18, 1857 aged 72y
SHERLOCK, Patrick b in Tipperary Ireland . ?{unreadable} 20, 1787 [1785?]
SHERLOCK, Edward b in Tipperary, Ireland Oct 22, 1813. d July 15, 1859 aged 45y 8m 23da
SHERLOCK, Mary L d/o Martin & Ann b Mar 8, 1845 d Feb 25, 1890.
SHERLOCK, Ann D [Alice??] w/o Martin 1806-1890.
SHERLOCK, Martin b in Tipperary Ireland Nov 11, 1805 d Oct 11, 1874 [1879?] aged 68y 11m [from visual observation not math]
BELL, George d June 20, 1849 aged 61y 17da
WALLASROGER, Rosana M {or McCUNE according to the local historian}
Sacred to the memory of who departed this life Feb 25, 1845 in the 30th
as also McCUNE, George W & McCUNE, John S ???? aged 2yr
RYAN, Edward a native of Westmeath Ireland d Jan 7, 1847 aged 34y
RYAN, Dennis a native of Westmeath Ireland d Feb 20, 1845 aged 49y
RYAN, Catherine w/o Dennis a native of Westmeath Ireland d March 16, 1860.
FAGUE [??], Edward Feb 11, 1842 in 45 yr. [ sunken stone - very difficult to read] [a member of the family made the correction that this should be TAGUE-SM]
SHERLOCK, James F 1819-1882
Rose A 1836-1909 and 3 infant children.
KENNEDY, Alice..Erected by Martin in memory of his wife a native of
Ireland and County of Tyrone. Departed Dec 8, 1849 aged 51y
KENNEDY, Thomas a native of Ireland County of Tipperary who departed this life Dec 20[30?], 1847 age 51y 8m
CRANE, Margaret A w/o Thomas d June 6, 1852 in the 32 yr of her age Her
spirit is gone to the relm above By angels borne on the wayTo join the
God of peace and love Throughout eternal day.
O NEILL, Thomas d Nov 21, 1870 aged 22[27?] 8m[6m?] 11da[14da?]
LOWE, Joseph s/o B & L d Aug 3, 1852 aged 7m 6da.
KENNEDY, James b in County Tipperary Ireland d Dec 4, 1847 aged 67y
KENNEDY, Ann alias SHERLOCK w/o P M KENNEDY who departed this life Oct
6, 1853 in the 37 yr of her age. Also her babe 6 hours old. She leaves
a loving husband and 3 children to mourn her loss May her soul rest in
peace. Amen.
PILKINGTON, Hannah wife of Edward b Sept 10, 1826 d Dec 9, 1900 aged 74y 3m.
PILKINGTON, Edward born in England Apr 9, 1822 who departed this life Aug 26, 1877 aged 55y 4m 17da
O NEILL, Mary A d/o John & Honora d Oct 7, 1865 aged 11y 5m 6da
O NEILL, Peter d Mar 4, 1864 aged 22y 4m 2da
O NEILL, James 1844-1921 Gentleman
O NEILL, Honora w/o John born in Baltimore, MD March 3, 1813. [1818?] d Jan 4, 1873 aged 54y 10m 1da
O NEIL, John b in County Cork Ireland June A D 1811 d Nov 19, 1874 age 63y 5mo.
MAGERS, Peter d 1845
RYAN, Ann 1834 d/o D & C Westmeath Ireland
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