Vol. 72, pages 507-508, Washington County Recorder's Office ELIZABETH SMITH, THOMAS G. SMITH TO JOHN W. SMITH
Know all men by these presents that Elizabeth Smith and Thomas G. Smith of the County of Washington and Sate of Ohio in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to them paid by John W. Smith of the above place the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey to the said John W. Smith his heirs and assigns forever the following real estate. Situated in the County of Washington in the State of Ohio and in the Township of Warren and in Section No. 26 Town 2 Range 9.
In witness whereof, the said Elizabeth and Thomas G. Smith who hereby release all right of dower in the premises have hereunto set their hands and seals this 14th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy one.
Elizabeth X Smith (her mark)
Thomas X G. Smith (his mark)Witnesses: Charles Cone and Hannah Smith
Vol. 72, page 508, Washington County Recorder's Office JOHN W. SMITH TO THOMAS SMITH, ELIZABETH SMITH
Memorandum of an agreement made and entered into by and between John W. Smith of the first part and Thomas Smith and Elizabeth Smith my father and mother of the second part in which there said John W. Smith agrees to lease to the said Thomas Smith and Elizabeth Smith his father and mother during their natural lives all of the land conveyed by Augustus S. Bailey to Elizabeth Smith in a deed recorded in Vol. 63 Pages 239, 240 of Records of Washington County Ohio and being the same land conveyed to John W. Smith in a deeded dated January 14, 1871 from Elizabeth Smith and Thomas Smith and the the said John W. Smith agrees to pay the tax on the farm and the said Thomas Smith and Elizabeth Smith are to have the use and control of the farm so long as either of them shall live.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 7th day of October in the year of our Lord 1871. Signed and sealed and acknowledged in presence of:
James A. Mercer
John W. SmithWalter Brabham
Vol. 64, page 170, Washington County Recorder's Office AUGUSTUS S. BAILEY TO LENNOX SMITH
Know all men that we Augustus S. Bailey and Julia A. Bailey his wife of the County of Washington State of Ohio in consideration of the sum of eleven hundred dollars to us paid by Lennox Smith of the County of Washington State of Ohio have bargained and sold and do hereby grant and convey unto the said Lennox Smith his heirs and assigns forever the following premises situate the County of Washington State of Ohio being part of the Ohio Company Purchase bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at the south east corner of the land of Elizabeth Smith conveyed to her by deed from Augustus S. Bailey and wife dated July 30, 1866 in Section 26 Town 2 Range 9 Warren T.p. Thence running north 30.80 chains. Thence east 22.44 chains. Thence south 20.8 chains. Thence west 12.44. Thence south 10 chs. Thence west 10 chains to the place of beginning containing 56 acres and 60/100 more or less. To have and to hold said premises with the ________ unto the said Lennox Smith his heirs and assigns forever and the said Augustus JS. Bailey doth hereby covenant with said Lennox Smith and his heirs and assigns that he is lawfully seized of the premises aforesaid that said premises are free and clear of all incumbrances whatsoever and that he will forever warrant and defend the same with the appurtenances unto the said Lennox Smith his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In testimony whereof the said Augustus S. Bailey and Julia A. Bailey his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals this twenty first day of July 1866.
A. S. Bailey
J. A. BaileyWitnesses: Charles Cone, Charlotte C. Cone
Contributed by: Leslyn Lang
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