EZRA MANKINSEzra Mankins, 81, died at 11:30 o'clock on Friday morning at his home at Mile Run. Death followed a six week's illness and came not unexpected as he had been in a serious condition for several days. Mr. Mankins had been a resident of this city for only two years having moved here from Briggs Station, where he had lived on a farm the greater part of his life. He was a Civil War veteran and a member of the local post of the G.A.R. He was a member of the Methodist Church at Constitution. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Mankins, and the following children: Oliver Mankins, of Wheeling, W. Va.; Prentice Mankins, of Briggs Station; Mrs. Nettie Morey, Mrs. Mary Hardy and Mrs. Grace Stage, all of Marietta; and Mrs. Daisy Bennett, of Athens. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Marietta Times - Marietta OH; 09 Mar 1923
Funeral services for Ezra Mankins, who died on Friday at his home at Mile Run, will be held at 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon at the Gravel Bank church. Burial will be made at the Gravel Bank cemetery.
Marietta Times - Marietta OH; 10 Mar 1923
Contributed by: Debbie Nitsche
Samuel Martin died very suddenly at his home east of town Sunday afternoon of paralysis of the heart.He had been in his usual health for weeks and his death was very unexpected Mr. and Mrs Martin had been to one of the neighbors Saturday to spend the evening and after returning a little before midnight, he went out to the woodpile to get an armful of wood when he suddenly fell heavily to the ground quite unconcious. Medical attention was quickly summoned, but nothing could be done for him, and he quietly passed away about three o'clock Sunday afternoon without regaining conciousness. His family were nearly all at his bedside when he died. The deceased was born in Washington Co. OH 69 years ago. In 1850 he was married to Miss C. Witham who survives him. Four sons are left as the fruit of their union: D.D., Jas. T., John C., and Ed. In the beginning of the War he enlisted in Co. D, 31st Ohio Volunteers and went to the front, but was soon disabled and left the Army with an Honorable Discharge. He moved with his family in 1867 to Delano in Wright Co. MN where he lived on a farm several years. Seventeen years ago he settled on a farm near this place where he has since resided. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the M.E. Church under the auspices of the G.A.R. Rev. Cathcart officiating. The remains were buried north of town. Our sympathies are extended to the family and large circle of friends who are left to mourn the loss of a lovind husband and father and respected citizen. [NB: Samuel Martin is buried in what is now the Evergreen Cemetery of Staples. His marker lists his militery service, but has never gotten a G.A.R. bronze star. I have never been able to locate his family tree in OH, but would very much like to.]
Staples World, Staples, MN; 06 Feb 1900
Contributed by: Nancy O'Brien
Mrs. Mary McCormick, Aged Resident of County Dies -- Mrs. Mary McCormick, aged 97 years, one of the oldest residents of this county, passed away quietly at 2 o'clock Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lovina Fisher, 213 Meigs St., of illness related to old age. On Dec. 30, 1823, during the administration of James Monroe as president of the United States, Mrs. McCormick was born on a farm located in a clearing near what is now Lowell. She was the daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Johnson, who came here from New York state and were among the first to settle in the Lowell neighborhood. Mrs. McCormick spent her entire life in Washington County. When she was 19 years of age she was united in marriage to William Barnhart. To them nine children were born, all of whom are dead. Two children of this marriage, Joseph* and William served through the Civil war. Both of them died a few years ago, being at the time in the neighborhood of 76 years of age. Mr. Barnhart was killed in 1857 when, in a fight on the Ohio river above Sistersville, he was struck on the back of the neck with an oar. His neck was broken and he died instantly. She was married to Robert McCormick on Oct 18, 1860. Three children were born to this marriage. All of them survive. Mr. McCormick died Jan. 13, 1883. The surviving children are: Mrs. Lucretia Beardsley (Samuel), Mrs. Lovina Fisher (James) and Harry McCormick, all of this city.
Marietta Times -- Marietta OH; 05 Mar 1921
Contributed by: Julie Witkowski
Mrs. Letitia McCrory, former resident of Belpre, died at her residence in Springfield, O. on Sunday. She was the widow of William P. McCrory. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Oliver, old and prominent family of this area. She was a member of the Grace Methodist Church in Akron, O., Elva Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, and White Shrine of Jerusalem at Akron. Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. Ellen Kehoe, Columbus, O., Mrs. P. H. Glancy and Mrs. P. G. Smith, Parkersburg, Mrs. H. F. Anderson, Pittsburgh, Pa., and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 11 p.m., Thursday at the Spencer funeral home, with the Rev. Charles M. Foster of Belpre Methodist church in Akron, O. officiating. Burial will follow in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Parkersburg.
The Parkersburg News, Parkersburg WV; 16 Mar 1954
Contributed by: Louis Ruf
William P. McCrory, 84, a former resident of Belpre, died yesterday in Akron, O. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Letitia Oliver McCrory and two daughters, Mrs. George Nelson of McKeesport, Pa., and one brother, John McCrory of Buffalo, N. Y. The Belpre Masonic Lodge will be in charge of graveside services in the Odd Fellows cemetery here Wednesday at 1 p.m.
The Parkersburg News, Parkersburg WV; 6 Nov 1951
Contributed by: Louis Ruf
Ella Rebecca Hays, daughter of the late Richard and Mariah Greene Hays, was born at Newport, Ohio, December 18th, 1854, and passed away to be with God from the M. E. parsonage at Belmont, Ohio, November 30th, 1924. She was educated in the public schools and the select school of Newport, graduating from the same, then took a course in painting, some of her productions being greatly admired. She was converted and joined the church in early girlhood, under the ministry of Rev. J. A. Doane. She soon gave evidence of high talents and displayed genius in her church work. She worked out and had adopted a financial plan far in advance of its day, and by which her church gained fame for its prompt and liberal giving. She was married to Rev. T. I. McRae, of the North East Ohio conference, on Aug. 23rd, 1887. For 37 years she was the joy of the parsonage home and an inspiration to every congregation they served. She was always popular and especially with the younger people. She organized a Junior League in almost every church and was very successful in training the young for the church work. She frequently filled the pulpit to the great pleasure of the congregation, both in her own church and many times in sister churches. As a public speaker she had but few equals. For many years she was a regular correspondent for a number of literary and religious journals and temperance publications. She was interested in ad reform movements and worked with enthusiasm in the. W. C. T. U. organization. No one rejoiced more than she when she saw the terminis of one of the ambitions of her life - the state and nation made dry by the popular vote of the people. She was a life long member of the W. H. M. S. and was the president of the local society at the time of her death. She held about all the offices in the W. F. M. S. and greatly enjoyed the fellowship of its members and workers. Mrs. McRae was a member of The Daughters of the American Revolution. She was the mother of two sons, Rev. Richard O. McRae, pastor of the St. Paul's Methodist church of Delaware, Ohio, and Donald Green McRae, professor of English in the Glenville high school, Cleveland, Ohio. She leaves four grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. George T Gale, and two brothers, Preston G. and Harry R. Hays, all of Newport, Ohio. Her last illness lasted from about September lst to the day of her demise, but it all was born with patience and fortitude. Her beautiful life will live while this generation who knew her, lives. Wearied with the long fight and weakened by constant suffering, she often expressed a desire to depart and be with Christ. For three successive Sabbath mornings during her severe illness she said to her husband, "I think Mother will come today and take me home." While the bells were ringing for the evening services of the church her spirit slipped away to be with God. "Her children rise up and call her blessed: her husband also, and he praiseth her Give her the fruit of her hands and let her works praise her in the gates."
The Daily Jeffersonian, Cambridge, OH; 02 Dec 1924
Contributed by: Susy Wetz
Mrs. Mary (Maple) McCullick, 88, of Akron, a former Williamstown resident, died Friday morning while visiting at the home of her nephew, Neal Shafer, in Bridgeport. She was the widow of Sylvester McCullick, who died in 1909. She was born April 9, 1867, in Jackson County, WV. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Haught of St. Marys and Mrs. Florence Winans of Akron, with whom she had resided for the past four years after moving from Williamstown. A number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren also survive. She was preceded in death by two sons [sic], Jesse and Clyde. Funeral arrangements, in charge of the Doudna and McClure Funeral Home, are incomplete. [NB: Jesse, noted to be a son in this obituary, was actually a female.]
Marietta Daily Times, Marietta, OH; 16 Sep 1955
Contributed by: Valerie McClung
DIES AT COLUMBUS - Marietta Man was operated on in Hospital at Capital. -- Mr. Sylvester McCullough died this morning at 2:30 o'clock at a hospital in Columbus, after an operation for kidney trouble. He left here a week ago today and the operation was performed Tuesday. He was 49 years of age and leaves a wife. The remains will arrive in this city some time today and will be taken in charge by Undertakers Wieser and Cawley. No arrangements have been made for the funeral. [NB: Sylvester left a wife, Mary, and four children - Florence, Clyde, Jess and Ethel. He was predeceased by his first wife, Eda/Edith Jane (Martin), who died in 1893, and their son Thurman. Two sons from this marriage also survive Sylvester - Clarence and Herbert. Sylvester was buried 28 Jul 1909 at Oak Grove Cemetery, Marietta, Ohio.]
The Marietta Daily Times, Marietta, OH; 26 Jul 1909
Contributed by: Valerie McClung
Mrs. Mary Meek of Barlow Succombs -- Mrs. Mary E. Meek, 73 of Barlow, widow of Francis M. Meek and mother of Mrs. Walter R. Schweikert and of Mrs. Joseph Congleton of Marietta, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Worthington, near Barlow on Friday evening following general decline. Mrs. Meek is the daughter of the late William H. and Catherine Brown Hall. She was born in western Washington County on February 5, 1868. On April 4, 1885, she was married to Francis M. Meek. He passed away in March of 1925. Mrs. Meek's home was in Barlow for many years and she went to the Worthington home to be cared for about 3 weeks ago. She was a life long member of the Fairfield Christian Church in Fairfield Township. Survivors are her sons and daughters. Cecil H. Meek and Lewis Meek of Stewart, Alan Meek of Athens, Karl Meek of Columbus, Kenneth B. Meek of Vincent, Mrs. Joseph Congleton and Mrs. Walter R. Schweikert of Marietta and Mrs. Harold Worthington who lives on Watertown Road between Barlow and Watertown. One son, Earl E. Meek, a World War veteran who was shell shocked and gassed in the first World War, died 1934. One daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Newell died in 1929 and a daughter, Gretta died in infancy. There are 35 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Mrs. Margaret Blair of Dunbar is the sister of Mrs. Meek. Funeral Services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Decatur Presbyterian Church, Rev. H.L. Weir of Barlow will officiate. The body will remain at the Worthington Home until the hour for the service. C.H. Mindling is the funeral director.
Marietta Times, Marietta, OH; 06 Dec 1941
Contributed by: Jennifer Toelle
Mrs Mentzner Taken By Death -- Mrs. Robert Mentzner [nee Bessie Danker, d/o John Danker and Linnie Cheeseman], passed away on Saturday at her home, No. 918 Front street. She had been a sufferer with liver trouble for several years and recently underwent an operation at St. Joseph's hospital in Parkersburg, hoping to be benefited. The operation, however, brought little relief and death came to the sufferer on Saturday. The deceased was born in Marietta, Ohio, July 11, 1880, and was in her thirty-ninth year. She was a member of Trinity Methodist Church. Besides her husband she is survived by one daughter, Caroline Danker, and her mother, Mrs. Winnie Danker, of this city. Two sisters, Miss Mame and Miss Bertha Danker also survive. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the residence on Front street. Rev. Frank N. Lynch will officiate and burial will be at Oak Grove Cemetery.
Marietta Daily Journal, Marietta OH; 30 Sept 1918
Contributed by: Jamie Danker
The remains of Mr. Adam Miracle, who died at his late home in New Matamoras Sunday, February 2, were brought here last Tuesday to the home of his brother Mr. Elmer Miracle and the funderal was conducted Wednesday forenoon at Mt. Tabor church by Rev. E. E. King of this place. The remains were accompanied by his son, Mr. Russel Miracle and wife of New Matamoras and daughters Mrs. Josie McConnell of Oklahoma and Miss Florence of the home. Deceased was seventy-two years of age. He was a member of the New Matamoras M. E. church and was a veteran of the Civil War. He was a former resident of Stafford and has a wide circle of relatives and friends here who extend sympathy to the bereaved family. Interment was made in Mt. Tabor cemetery by the side of his wife who preceded him several years ago.
Mabel, the six-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. James Miracle passed away Sunday after a several weeks illness from spinal meningitis. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at Sutherland church conducted by Rev. Cope of Summerfield and interment was made in Sutherland cemetery.
October 16th, 1880, at his residence in Atlanta, GA, after a brief illness of congestion of the brain, John C. Neal formerly of Parkersburg, aged 89 years 9 months and 10 days.
Marietta Register, Marietta OH; 04 Nov 1880
Contributed by: Cheryl J Skinner
David Oliver, 86, a pioneer resident of Belpre, Ohio, died in St. Joseph Hospital Wednesday morning following an illness of several weeks. Funeral services will be held from the home of one of his daughters, Mrs. P. S. McCualsky, 303 Main Street, Belpre, Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. Gill I. Wilson and Rev. Mrs. Gill I. Wilson will be in charge and burial will be made in the Odd Fellows cemetery (Parkersburg WV). Mr. Oliver suffered a fall July 3 this year from which he never recovered, gradually growing weaker, he was taken to the hospital about two weeks ago. Pneumonia developed resulting in his death. He will be remembered by many of the older residents of this section as having helped in the building of the Baltimore and Ohio bridge across the Ohio river between Parkersburg and Belpre. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pa. November 15, 1844. Early in life he married Miss Mary Cool and after their marriage they came to Belpre where they reared a family of several daughters. He was affiliated with Belpre Methodist Episcopal church and the Odd Fellows and Masonic organizations. He and his family took an active part in affairs of the village. His wife died several years ago. He is survived by six daughters who are Mrs. P. S. McCualsky, Belpre; Mrs. William McCrory, Akron, O.; Mrs. John Kehoe, Columbus, O.; Mrs. P. H. Glancy, Parkersburg; Mrs. P. G. Smith, Akron, O., and Mrs. Floyd Anderson, Wheeling. Two daughters who preceded him in death are Mrs. John Clark and Mrs. Lyda Davidson. Grandchildren are Mrs. W. H. Reid, Mrs. Daisy Statham, David Oliver McCualsky, Donald McCualsky, H. B. McCualsky, and Mrs. Henry L. Ruf, Belpre; Mrs. John Maggotah (Mrs. James Magoteaux), Troy, O.; John and Turley Clark, Jackson, O.; J. Raymond Glancy, Fairmont; Mrs. Louis Beaty, Edward Oliver Glancy, Parkersburg; and Mary Helen Anderson, Wheeling.
The Parkersburg News, Parkersburg WV; 24 Sep 1931
Contributed by: Louis Ruf
John Oliver, one of Belpre's oldest and most esteemed citizens and also well known in Parkersburg, died Tuesday night at the home of his daughter Mrs. H. F. Clark on Walnut street, his death resulting from complications aggravated by his advanced age. Mr. Oliver, who had lived a half century in Belpre was born in Beaver Falls, Pa. and had he lived until the sixteenth of this month would be 85 years of age. When but a young man he married in Pittsburg, then Allegheny, to Miss Josephine Provence and their long life was blest with much happiness. He was a caulker by trade and was employed for many years on steamboats plying a busy trade between Pittsburg and New Orleans, making many interesting trips. When the Civil war broke out Mr. Oliver enlisted in the Union army and saw the heaviest of the fighting, being at Antietam, Gettysburg and other momentous battles. He was at Gettysburg when Lincoln made his address and a few hours before his death talked of Lincoln, Grant, Hooker and of those tragic and stirring days. He came back from the war to lead a life of peace which he loved most, being in every way a loving man, kind and gentle, but strong in doing what he believed was right. Held in the highest esteem by the community his death will be generally regretted. Mr. Oliver was a member of the Congregational church and was a charter member of the Belpre lodge I. O. O. F. He is survived by his aged wife, one daughter, Mrs. H. F. Clark of Belpre, three grandchildren: Perl W. Clark of Belpre, Augustine Oliver and Mrs. Cecil Dahenens and by a great-granddaughter, Marian Dahenens, all of Rock Island, Ill. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the Clark residence on Walnut street where services will be conducted by Mrs. Gill I. Wilson, pastor of the Belpre Congregational church, and a ritualistic service will also take place at the home in charge of Bekpre I. O. O. F. The remains will then be interred in the cemetery at Rockland. [NB: John Oliver was a son of Joseph and Letitia Oliver of Beaver and Allegheny Counties, PA. He was a brother of David Oliver who also resided in Belpre.]
The Parkersburg Sentinel, Parkersburg WV; 13 Feb 1924
Contributed by: Louis Ruf
Mrs. David Oliver, Prominent Resident of Belpre Died This Morning. -- Friends in Belpre and also in Parkersburg will be deeply grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. Mary Oliver, wife of David Oliver, which occurred this morning at 10:00 o'clock at the family residence on Florence St., after an illness of about five weeks, caused by complications affecting the heart. The deceased who was 74 years old had resided in Belpre for 56 years coming to that village shortly after her marriage to Mr. Oliver, who survives her, her maiden name being Mary Coole. She was one of the best known and respected women in Belpre, her life lived quietly in the family circle being one of great charity and unselfishness and she was a devoted wife and mother and an excellent neighbor. Early in life she affiliated with the Presbyterian church in Pittsburgh and her succeding years carried out nobly the teachings of religion in the influence for good which she exerted on all about her. Mrs. Oliver was the mother of nine daughters, six of whom are living and were with her when death came. These are Mrs. P. S. McCulsky (McCualsky) of Belpre; Mrs. William McCory (McCrory), Akron, O.; Mrs. William Heasley, Sabina, O.; Mrs. P. G. Smith, Harrisville, W. Va.; Mrs. P. H. Glancy and Mrs. Floyd Anderson of this city. She is also survived by 16 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Oliver's funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10:00 o'clock from the family residence in Belpre where services will be conducted by Mrs. Gill I. Wilson of the Congregational church. Burial in Odd Fellows cemetery, Parkersburg. [NB: Mary Cool Oliver, was born in Pittsburgh PA, 17 Apr 1849, a daughter of Fredrick and Eliza Owens Cool. She married David Oliver in Pittsburgh about 1866 and moved to Belpre OH. She died 24 June 1922 in Belpre OH.]
Parkersburg Sentinel, Parkersburg WV; 24 Jun 1922
Contributed by: Louis Ruf
Deep Sympathy Felt. -- The unfortunate accident on Thursday morning which resulted in the death of Will Oliver who has been a brakeman in the Ohio River division yards in Parkersburg, caused quite a shock to his many friends here where he formerly resided. Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver parents of the deceased who reside here were almost prostrated over the unfortunate affair, and they together with the wife and family of the deceased have the deepest sympathy of this community. A number from here will attend the funeral which will be held at the home in Parkersburg on Saturday at 2 p.m. FUNERAL OF WM. OLIVER. The remains of William Oliver, whose tragic death occurred early Thursday morning after an accident in the Ohio River yards, were removed from Patton and Neal's undertaking establishment on Thursday to the home of the deceased at 618 Seventeenth street. The funeral services will be conducted at the residence at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon and the remains will be taken to Rockland,Ohio cemetery for interment. [NB: William Benjamin Oliver, was a son of John and Josephine Provence Oliver of Belpre OH. He was born 2 Sep 1883 and married Katie Thomas 17 Sep 1901. He was the father of a son, Augustine Oliver, and a daughter. He died 13 Dec 1906, Parkersburg WV and is buried at Rockland Cemetery beside his parents and his sister, Margaret Clark.]
The Parkersburg Sentinel, Parkersburg WV; 14 Dec 1906
Contributed by: Louis Ruf
Mrs. Rebecca Perry, aged 60 years, died early Sunday morning at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary McCormick, of the West Side after a severe paralytic stroke. Her home was at Wellsville but for some time she had been visiting her mother. She leaves seven children, none of whom, excepting Mrs. McCormick live at Marietta. The body was taken to Doudna's undertaking establishment where funeral services will be held at 2 PM tomorrow with internment at Oak Grove cemetery. Rev. J. F. Mills will conduct the services. [NB: Corrections were made to the above obituary as the newspaper referred to Mrs. McCormick as her daughter, when in fact she was her mother: Mary Johnson Barnhart McCormick. Her body cannot be located at Oak Grove Cemetery.]
Marietta Times, Marietta OH; 28 Jan 1907
Contributed by: Julie Witkowski
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