A guide for effectively sharing your source material with others via the Washington County site.

  • Share an Ahnentafel
  • Share an Article or Story
  • Share a Biography
  • Share a Census Transcription
  • Share a Cemetery Transcription
  • Share a Death Record
  • Share a Descendancy
  • Share a Marriage Record
  • Share a Military Record
  • Share a Photograph
  • Share an Obituary or Death Notice
  • Share a Query
  • Share a Will or Probate Record




    Everyone loves finding new information about their branches of their family trees -- from Uncle Jim's second and third marriages, to Great-great-great grandfather William's census records, to a local writeup about the "trial of the century" in which everybody within 35 miles is named.

    Many people research in different ways, and in those record-diggings, we each unearth information of a variety of kinds. What the Washington County site hopes is that the information that our visitors and researchers contribute to the site (as well as materials added by your Washington County webmaster) will be of some help some how to someone else looking for a key to the door in their brick wall.

    For sharing files which don't fit well into one of the dataforms linked above, the information below should help in getting the data from your computer to this site with minimal difficulty.

    2. -- Nearly every word processing program can SAVE AS, so once your prepared document is entered into your word processing program (Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, NotePad, etc.), use the menu option FILE->SAVE AS... and choose either:

      • Plain text files (.txt) - PREFERRED -- Save the file with a unique name (so you don't overwrite your original file), then attach your file to this specially-formatted email and send. Be sure to cite your name and email address in the body of your email, since not all email programs display this information visibly. Please do not send *.doc files, since the email pipelines are known to corrupt *.doc files enroute. Send plain text files (.txt) instead. [NB: With the proliferation of spam attachments, if your file attachment is larger than 300K in file size, please send a message first before sending your file so that your data does not get bounced at the server.]


      • Rich-text files (.rtf) - ACCEPTABLE -- This format is best for linear reports, such as census data, descendancies and ahnentafels. These files may take a little bit longer to format on this end, but generally the turn-around time is small, depending on the size of the file(s). [NB: With the proliferation of spam attachments, if your file attachment is larger than 300K in file size, please send a message first before sending your file so that your data does not get bounced at the server.] Save the file with a unique name (so you don't overwrite your original file), then attach your file to this specially-formatted email and send. Be sure to cite your name and email address in the body of your email, since not all email programs display this information visibly.

    4. -- For graphics, use the menu option FILE->SAVE AS... in your graphics-editor software and choose either:

      • JPG-format (.jpg | .jpeg) - PREFERRED -- This is the best format for scans, photographs, maps, etc. Save the file with a unique name (so you don't overwrite your original file), then attach your file to this specially-formatted email and send. Please do not send *.BMP files, since the email pipelines are known to corrupt *.bmp files enroute. Send .JPG instead. [NB: With the proliferation of spam attachments, if your file attachment is larger than 300K in file size, please send a message first before sending your file so that your data does not get bounced at the server.] BE SURE to identify (as well as possible) the content, timeframe, location, and/or other information which identifies the graphic and connects the graphic with this county. Please cite your name and email address in the body of your email, since not all email programs display this information visibly.


      • GIF-format (.gif) - ACCEPTABLE -- This format is best for computer-generated graphics only. [This format option does not work well for photographs or scanned material. Use this option for non-computer-generated graphics only if .JPG is not an option to SAVE-AS for you.] Save the file with a unique name (so you don't overwrite your original file), then attach your file to this specially-formatted email and send. Be sure to cite your name and email address in the body of your email, since not all email programs display this information visibly. Please do not send *.BMP files, since the email pipelines are known to corrupt *.bmp files enroute. Send .JPG instead. [NB: With the proliferation of spam attachments, if your file attachment is larger than 300K in file size, please send a message first before sending your file so that your data does not get bounced at the server.] BE SURE to identify (as well as possible) the content, timeframe, location, and/or other information which identifies the graphic and connects the graphic with this county.

      • If your graphics program cannot generate either .GIF or .JPG formats, send a message BEFORE sending your files so we can consider alternative formats.


  • FOR OTHER ITEMS which might not fall into the above, contact me and we'll see what possibilities are available.

  • REGARDING DESCENDANCY REPORTS -- PLEASE NOTE: To respect the privacy of living individuals, please do not include birth or marriage dates of individuals born after 1940 when sharing descendancies. Feel free to include individuals by name/relationship to parent(s), as in the rest of the descendancy listing(s), but please refrain from including (possibly sensitive-to-them) information about age, birth, personal interrelationships, etc., when sharing these types of reports. However, if an individual is deceased, then birth/death information may be included in the report for that deceased individual. Your cooperation is very helpful (and really saves time on this end in having to edit the shared information, which allows the data to be posted more efficiently).


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