Residents at Campus Martius - Marietta and at "The Point" - in and Near Fort Harmer during the Whole or Part of the period of the Indian Wars between 1790--1795General Rufus Putnam, wife, two sons and six daughters
Governor Arthur St Clair, son and three daughters
General Benjamin Tupper, wife three sons and a daughter
Colonel Ichabod Nye, wife and three sons
Colonel Robert Oliver and wife, two sons, William and Robert and two daughters
Nelly married to Thomas Lord, the other to Captain William Burham.
Thomas Lord and two apprentice boys: Benjamin Baker and Amos R Harvey
Colonel R J Meigs, wife and son Timothy
R J Megis and wife (he lived the larger part of the time at the point)
Colonel Enoch Shepherd, wife and nine Children, Enoch, Daniel, Luther,
Calvin, Esther, Anna, Rhoda, Lorana, and Huldah
Charles Green esq. wife. and three children; Sophia, Susan and Charles: also Miss Sheffield, sister of Mrs Green and afterwards wife of Captain Ziegler, of Fort Harmer
Major Ezra Putman, wife and two daughters
Major Hatffied White and son Peletiah
Joshua Shipman, wife and three children
Wife and two sons and a daughter of Captain Strong (who was attached to the Army)
Captain Davis, wife and five Children
James Smith, wife and seven children
John Russell, son in-law of Smith
Archibald Lake, wife and three sons, Thomas, Andrew and John
Eleazer Olney, wife and fourteen children
Major Olney, wife and two sons: Columbus and Discovery
Ebenezer Corey and wife
Richard Maxon, wife and several Children
James Wells, wife and ten children. The sons were David, Joseph, Thomas and Varnum. The daughters married to follows Polly to Richard Maxon, Nancy to Thomas Carey, Susan to Peletiah White. Betsey to Jacob Proctor, and Sally to Peleg Springer
Major Coburn and wife and two daughter and three sons: Asa, Phinehas and Nicholas
Joseph Wood and wife and one child
Captain John Dodge, wife and two sons John and Sidney
Robert Allison, wife and three sons: Charles, Andrew, and Hugh
Elijah Warren , wife and one child
Gersham Flagg, wife and children
Widow of Joseph Kelly (who was killed in 1791) and mother of Arthur St Clair Kelly, first child born at Marietta
Single men: Major Anselem Tupper, Edward W Tupper, Benjamin Tupper Jr, Rev Daniel Story, Thomas Hutchinson, William Smith, Gilbert Devol Jr, Oliver Dodge, Alpheus Russell, Thomas Corey, Azariah Pratt
At or near Fort Harmer
Hon Joseph Gilman and wife
Benjamin Ives Gilman and wife. These families lived in a block house above the fort.
Paul Fearing, a resident of Fort Harmer, Southwest block-house
Colonel Thomas Gibson, an Indian trader, licensed for Washington County, occupied a block-house near the fort
Hezehiah Flint and Gould Davenport, single men
Mrs Welch and several children lived at the fort. Her husband died of small-pox in 1790 and she married Thomas Hutchinson
Preserve Seaman, wife and four sons--Samuel, Gilbert, Preserved and Benajah.
Samuel had a wife and several children and lived at the guard house of the fort
Benjamin Baker, wife and child, lived in a small stone house just south of the fort
George Warth, wife and five sons: John, George, Robert, Martin and Alexander; and two daughters; lived in a log house between the fort and the river. Two of the sons were employed as rangers for the garrison during the war; Robert was killed by the Indians; George married Ruth a sister of Joshua Fleehart, the Belpre ranger.
Joseph Fletcher marred Catharine Warth
Picket Meroin, married Polly Warth
Francis Thierry and wife with two children were the French emigrant party which arrived in 1790. Thierry was a baker. He lived afterwards for many years in Marietta. A daughter of Thierry's wife by a former marriage, Catharine LaLance, married Robert Warth, a short time before he was killed.
Monsieur Cookie was another of the French emigrants who remained at Fort Harmer.
Monsieur Le Bond, also French, carried on a distillery of cordials, and make wooden shoes.
Monsieur Shouman had been bred a gardener in France and followed that occupation near the Fort. He had a wife and son, but his wife dying during the period of the war, he married the widow of Sherman Waterman, who was killed by the Indians.
Monsieur Gubbeau, another of the French emigrants was a young man. He carried the mail in company with Pierre LaLance in 1795 from Marietta to Gallipolis.
At the Point Garrison were the following families:
William Moulton, wife and son, Edward, and two daughters. The father and son were members of the pioneer party of 1788. They were from Newburyport, Massachusetts, and the elder, who died in 1793, was a goldsmith by trade.
Anna Moulton married Dr Josiah Hart and Lydia Dr Leonard
Dr Jabez True boarded with the Moulton family
Captain Prince, a hatter by trade, from Boston, with wife and two children
Moses Morse and wife. Morse owned a row of four log homes, which he rented to transient residents or people who were preparing cabins of their own.
Peter Nyghswonger, wife (Jane Kerr, sister of Hamilton Kerr, the spy) and several children occupied a cabin fronting on the Muskingum. Nyghswonger was himself a ranger and hunter. He moved westward after the war, following the game.
William Skinner dwelt at the point during the war and kept store, but afterward removed to the Harmer side of the Muskingum
J McKinley, was a partner with Skinner
R J Meigs Jr whom we have spoken of as a resident at Campus Martius, kept a store fronting on the Muskingum
Charles Greene was in partnership with him Hon Dudley Woodbridge, wife and children, lived in a block-house very near the Ohio. Between his house and the Ohio river he built a frame home in which he kept a store
Captain Josiah Monroe, wife and two children lived near the Venter of the enclosure or stockade
Captain William Mills, wife and one Child, occupied a house near Monroe
Captain Jonathan Haskell, commander of a company of United States troops, also lived at the Garrison
Hamilton Kerr, the ranger and his mother, lived in a small block -house
Colonel Ebenezer Sproats, wife and daughter, had a small house near the bank of the Ohio
Commodore Abraham Whipple and family lived with Sproats, who was his son-in-law
Joseph Buell, wife and two children and Levi Munsell and wife, lived a large frame house --the first frame house built in Marietta--and kept a tavern
William Stacy (son of Colonel Stacy), wife and children
Joseph Stacy (also a son of the Colonel) and wife and children
James Paterson, wife and children
Nathaniel Patterson, wife and children
Captain Abel Mathews, wife and six children (He was the father of John Mathews)
Thomas Stanley, wife and children
Eleazer Curtiss, wife and children
Simeon Tuttle, wife and family of children
A number of the Ohio Company's laborers occupied a row of cabins which stood upon the Ohio river bank but their names have not been preserved.
From Hidreth's Pioneer History and Williams' History of Washington County.
Contributed by: Linda Hall
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