CELIA BRADDOCKFuneral services for the late Celia Braddock will be held form the residence on Fairview Heights, Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Burial will be made in Brabham cemetery. [NB: I believe Celia to be d/o Michael and Sarah Braddock and sister of Frank, Elizabeth and Sylvestor Braddock.]
The Marietta Daily Register-Leader, Marietta OH; 22 Jul 1915
Contributed by: Luke Scheer
Miss Elizabeth Braddock, 84, died at the Washington County Woman's Home, where she had been a resident for many years, at 6 o'clock Friday morning, of general debility resulting from her advanced age. Miss Braddock was born in Ireland, September 8, 1835, and came to this country with her parents when quite young. She had been a resident of this city for many years. No near relatives survive. Funeral services will be held from St. Mary's Catholic Church at 9 o'clock Monday morning and interment will be made in the Brabham cemetery. [NB: I believe Elizabeth to be d/o Michael and Sarah Braddock, and sister of Frank, Celia and Sylvestor Braddock]
The Marietta Daily Times, Marietta OH; 08 May 1920
Contributed by: Luke Scheer
MR.BRADDOCK CALLED -- Mr. Frank Austin Braddock, and aged resident of this city, died at the home of his nephew, James McDermott of Fairview Heights early Monday morning. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Braddock, the deceased was born in Morgan county, O., on December 12th, 1838, being therefore past 78 years of age. Mr. Braddock was a bricklayer by trade and came to Marietta early in life. He had since resided here. He served during the war with Company A, 148th Ohio Infantry. He was a member of the local Buell Post. Three years ago Mr. Braddock was injured and suffered a fractured hip. This injury hastened his death. Besides the nephew the deceased is survived by one sister, Miss Elizabeth Braddock, of Fairview Heights. Funeral services will be held from the residence on Fairview Heights, Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock.
The Marietta Daily Times, Marietta OH; 02 Apr 1917
FRANK AUSTIN BRADDOCK - Civil War veteran, died, April 2nd at the home of James McDermott on the Watertown Road. Paralysis was the cause of his death. He was born in Morgan County, December 12, 1838. He served during the was with Company A, 148th O.V.I. One sister, Miss Elizabeth Braddock, survives. Funeral was held from the home April 3.
The Sunday Morning Observer, Marietta OH; 08 Apr 1917
Contributed by: Luke Scheer
DEATH CLAIMS MRS PHOEBE BRADDOCK -- Mrs. Phoebe Braddock, 77 widow of S.S. Braddock, lifelong resident of Marietta and Washington County, died at the county infirmary on Thursday afternoon of infirmities. She was in the county home for three weeks. Mrs. Braddock was born at Caywood on May 15, 1853 and spent her early life in Fearing Township. She lived in Marietta for many years. Surviving are a son, Edward Braddock, whose whereabouts are unknown, and a sister, Miss Margaret Ludwig of Marietta. Funeral services will be held at the Wiser & Crawly Chapel on Saturday at 2 P.M. Rev. W.L. Spielman, D.D., will officiate. Interment will be made in Oak Grove.
The MariettaDaily Times, Marietta OH; 06 Feb 1931
Contributed by: Luke Scheer
DEATH COMES AFTER STROKE -- Mr. Sylvester S. Braddock, well known aged resident of the city, where he has resided for a number of years, died at his residence, No. 125 S Fifth Street, Wednesday morning at 2:15 o'clock, He suffered a stroke of paralysis last Friday and had since been bed-fast. Number of previous strokes were suffered by him. The deceased was about 63 years of age, He was a carpenter by occupation and belonged to the Carpenter's Union. He is survived by a wife and one son, Edward and by a sister and brother, Miss Lizzie Braddock and Frank Braddock, who both reside on Fairview Heights. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at two o'clock at the chapel of Wiener & Cawley and burial will be made in Oak Grove.
The MariettaDaily Times, Marietta OH; 23 Aug 1916
Contributed by: Luke Scheer
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