BENJAMIN BARNHARTDeath of Mrs. Barnhart's Son -- Mrs. Lydia Barnhart received last week the sad news of the death of her son, Benjamin Frank Barnhart, which occurred Friday morning, May 10th at 8:05 o'clock, at Lafayette, Indiana, where he had resided for the past twenty years. He had undergone an operation recently from which he apparently recovered, but further trouble developed to which he succumbed. He was a native of Washington County, Ohio, having been born at Rainbow, May 9, 1873. There are left to mourn his loss, his wife, two daughters, three grandchildren, his mother, and the following brothers and sisters: Harry Barnhart, of Marvel Arkansas; Mrs. E. A. Dobbins, of Tunica, Mississippi; Mrs. P. B. Dobbins, of Pontiac, Michigan. Burial was made Saturday afternoon, May 12th at Lafayette, Mrs. Barnhart being unable to attend her son's obsequies. [NB: Father of Frances Marvel and Ethel Grace Barnhart]
Beverly Dispatch, Beverly OH; May 1923
Contributed by: Julie Witkowski
Charles Barnhart died at his home 26 West Harrison street, at 11:10 Thursday morning. He was the son of William and Lydia Barnhart of Lowell, Washington county Ohio. The deceased was a member of the A.I.U. and the Improved Order of Red Men. The remains were taken to Criss Bros. undertaking parlors and will be sent to his former home Friday morning at 8:10. [NB: Husband of Emma McFarland]
Newark American Tribune, Newark OH; 04 Nov 1915
Contributed by: Julie Witkowski
Mrs. Elizabeth Barnhart, aged 92 years, died at her home on March Run Hill on Wednesday at 5 PM following an illness due to infirmaties. Mrs. Barnhart was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Schuster of Morgan County. She was born on October 11, 1843, and spent the greater part of her life in Washington County. She was united in marriage with Jasper Barnhart in 1874. He died 15 years ago. Of their six sons and daughters, four survive. They are Mrs. Hattie Stackhouse of Fultonham; Mrs. Mary Schramm of March Run Hill; Mrs. Lucy Davis of Zanesville; and George Barnhart who lives in the family home on March Run Hill. A son, Joseph Barnhart was a casuality in the World War from Washington County, and died in France. A Daughter died three years ago. Mrs. Barnhart was a member of the M. E. Church since young womanhood. Funeral services will be held in the Lowell, M. E. Church on Saturday at 2 PM. Internment will be made in Greenlawn Cemetery at Lowell. G. A. Spies of Lowell is the funeral director.
The Marietta Times, Marietta OH; 03 Oct 1935
Contributed by: Julie Witkowski
F[ranklin]. B. Barnhart, of Monon, Ind. died at the Home Hospital Thursday evening at 6:15 o'clock, death being due to a complication of diseases. He was born May 9, 1873, and was a fireman for the Monon railway until failing health overtook him. He is survived by a widow and young son. [NB: Son of Lydia and William Barnhart]
Lafayette Journal and Courier, Lafayette IN; 11 May 1923
Contributed by: Julie Witkowski
George W. Barnhart, 83, of 117 Woodrow St. died at 2:20 PM yesterday in Marietta Memorial Hospital. He was born June 23, 1888, at Lowell, a son of the late Jasper and Elizabeth Shuster Barnhart. He had lived in Lowell until 1926 and had been engaged in farming in the Putnam community until his retirement. One brother and four sisters, inclucling Mrs. Mary Schramm, and Mrs. Charles (Lucy) Davis, preceded him in death. One niece and one nephew survive, Mrs. Dean (Edith) Wilking and William Stackhouse of Zanesville. Services will be at 2:30 PM tomorrow in Doudna and McClure Funeral Home. Burial will be in Greenlawn Cemetery at Lowell. Friends may call at the funeral home.
Marietta Times, Marietta OH; 17 Jan 1972
Contributed by: Julie Witkowski
Harry Barnhart, aged 50 years, former resident of the Lowell neighborhood, died at his home at Panama City, Fla., on Friday evening at 6 PM following an illness with typhoid fever. News of his death was received here by his sister, Mrs. Jacob Lauer of 204 Phillips street. Mr. Barnhart was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Barnhart of Adams Township. He was born on a farm near Lowell and spent the earlier years of his life there. He left for the South when a young man and since had made his home there. Surviving are his widow and two children; also two sisters, Mrs. Emma Dobbin of Tunica, Miss., and Mrs. Grace Laurer of Marietta. Funeral services will be held at his home in the South early next week and internment will be made at Tunica, Miss. [NB: Son of William and Lydia Barnhart]
Marietta Daily Times, Marietta OH; 30 Jan 1932
Contributed by: Julie Witkowski
Funeral services for Mr. Jasper Barnhart, well known Civil war veteran who died Monday morning at his home near Lowell, were held this afternoon. Members of Buell Post, No. 178, G.A.R. to which organization the deceased belonged, attended in a body. Mr. Barnhart, whose obituary was published briefly in this paper, Tuesday, was born in Monroe county, near Little Muskingum, January 18, 1845. For three years he had suffered from Bright's disease, which ailment caused his death. Throughout the period of the Civil war he served in Co. D, 174th O.V.I. The greater part of his lifetime was spent on the farm where he died, and his passing will cause regret among a wide circle of friends who knew and appreciated his many excellent traits of character. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Shuster, of Reinersville, Noble county. His widow, with five children, survive. The children are: Mrs. Hattie Stackhouse, of Zanesville; Joseph Barnhart, of Akron; Mrs. Mary Schramm and Mrs. Lucy Davis both of Marietta; George Barnhart at home. He is also survived by one sister and an aged mother, 93 years old, who lives in this city. [Burial: Greenlawn Cemetery, Lowell, OH]
Marietta Times -- Marietta OH; 03 Jan 1916
Contributed by: Julie Witkowski
Mrs. Lydia [Haney] Barnhart, aged 77 years, a highly respected woman, passed away at her home in Dodge Addition Wednesday evening at ten o'clock, following an illness with bronchitis of but a week's duration. Mrs. Barnhart was a faithful mother and kind neighbor and leaves a wide circle of friends to mourn her death. She was born near Marietta and spent her early girlhood in that community. Before moving to Beverly five years ago, she was a resident of Lowell. The deceased was united in marriage to William Barnhart, of Lowell, who preceded her in death about eight years ago. Surviving are two daughters and one son Mrs. Emma Dobbins, of Mississippi; Mrs. Grace Dobbins of the home, and Harry Barnhart of Alabama. Mrs. Mary Rood and Mrs. Eliza Wright, of Ferry street, and Mrs. Margaret Adams, of Marietta, are sisters. The son Harry Barnhart, reached Beverly Thursday morning. Funeral arrangement will not be made until the arrival of the daughter from Mississippi.
Beverly Dispatch, Beverly OH; 19 Feb 1925
Contributed by: Julie Witkowski
Mr. William Barnhart - Prominent Man Dead -- Mr. William Barnhart, a life resident of Adams township, died this morning at his home two miles back of Lowell. Death was due to a complication of diseases. He was a respected and beloved resident and was seventy years of age. Mr. Barnhart served four years in the Civil War with Company D, in the 174th regiment. Besides his wife he is survived by five children, Mrs. Paul Dobbins, of Pontiac, Mich.; Mrs. Elias Dobbins, Mississippi; Frank, of Indiana; Harry, of Tennessee; Charles, of Newark. A sister and one brother, Jasper Barnhart, of Lowell, who is very ill, also survive him. A sister-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Adams, of Montgomery, and a niece, Mrs. L.A. Goldsmith, of Third street, also are left.
Marietta Times -- Marietta OH; 18 Mar 1915
William Barnhart, a prominent resident of Adams township and veteran of the civil War, died Thursday, in his home near Lowell. He was seventy years of age, and had spent practically his entire lifetime in Adams township. He served four years in the Civil War, enlisting in Co. D, 174th Regiment, O.V.I. The deceased is survived by his wife, and four children: Mrs. Paul Dobbins, of Pontiac, Mich.; Mrs. Emma Dobbins, of Mississippi; Frank Barnhart, of Indiana; Harry Barnhart, of Tennessee, and Charles Barnhart, of Newark. He is also survived by a sister and a brother, Jasper of Adams of Montgomery street, and a niece, Mrs. L.A. Goldsmith, of Third street. [Husband of Lydia. Burial: Greenlawn Cemetery, Lowell, OH]
Marietta Times -- Marietta OH; 19 Mar 1915
Contributed by: Julie Witkowski
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