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Morgan Co, OH
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The following are some abstraction of Pension Applications that pertain to Morgan Co. If you have any to submit, send them to me.
[The pension application of Benjamin Beckwith of Morgan Township,
Morgan County Ohio (originally from Frederick Co. (now Montgomery Co.)
MD- National Archives Microfilm M804, roll 197 - transcribed by William
H. Thayer (whthayer@aol.com) - please note that I plan to improve upon
this first transcription upon my next visit to the National Archives]
State of Ohio
Morgan County
On this the 21st day of July AD 1832 personally appeared in open court
before the Honourable Thomas _____ President Joseph C. Linn & David
McCart associates - the judges constituting said court & being the
court of Common Pleas now sitting Benj Beckwith resident of Morgan
township Morgan County Ohio aged about 72 years who being first duly
sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration
in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th
1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the
following named officers & served as herein stated - That he
enlisted in the spring of 1776 (the day and year are forgotten) in the
company of Capt Jacob Young in the Regiment commanded by Col Johnson
That he enlisted for during the war in the Maryland Line of Militia on
state troops on volunteer but which they were properly called he does
not know as they were usually denominated minute men. That he enlisted
in Frederick County in the town of Frederick of State of Maryland.
Immediately upon this deponents enlistment he was required to do camp
duty two or three days in each week but which he has forgotten. He
however drew both his pay & his rations in the fall of this year
this deponent marched to Philadelphia under Capt James Mackenell who
died soon after his arrival in Philadelphia. The regiment tarried about
two weeks in that city in which time a great part of his company died
of the small pox. The regiment was then moved to the plains of
Brunswick in East Jersey & was stationed between Long - hills of
Basking Ridge & drew their rations at Lord Sterlings buildings. In
this month they crossed the Delaware at Flemington & went through
[?]Pluckemin Lord Sterling was in command on their arrival but so
greatly were the army displeased with him that it became necessary to
change the command which was done & transferred to General Greene
Which stationed here the British threw up redoubts at the Short hills
which opened into a fertile country leading to New York. He attempted
to dislodge them in the battle that ensued our regiment in the
beginning was commanded by a Virginian formerly and old church preacher
by the title & name of Colonel [?] Threwston This Col Threwston had
his arm broke at the beginning of the battle when a man took the
command by the name of Montgomery. This was the first day of March AD
1777. The British were dislodged. At the beginning of this action this
deponent escorted a fellow soldier to him unknown and asked him if he
had anything to give him to drink. The soldier replied in the
affirmative but said that his canteen was lashed to his back & he
had not time to loose it. He however placed himself in such a position
that deponent obtained a draught when on wiping his mouth he discovered
that his mouth was black with liquid smut whereon he asked the soldier
if he had poisoned his whiskey - no says the soldier I put gunpowder in
the whiskey & it will make you as _____ as the devil. The battle
began between day break & sunrise and lasted till near 10 AM. When
it was over this applicant having had nothing to drink from the time of
taking his said gunpowder dram & being ______ with heat &
thirst & _____ & smarting with powder burnt in his ____ gave 12
dollars of his - wages continental money for a gill of whiskey. This
money is all that this applicant has even _____ of the United States
for between one & two months service.
Previous to this battle he was in a skirmish near Quibblestown in which
several men were killed & especially three men all gunsmiths from
the same town with this deponent whose names he knows if he could hear
them but has now forgotten. In this skirmish [?] Maj. Francis Dickens
had his horse shot from under him. He was from Georgetown in the
District of Columbia. While at Brunswick a party of Americans of whom
deponent was one surprised a party of British near the British &
American lines & took a number of cattle & about 500 sheep from
them which they were driving in. An overgrown fat [?] weather broke
from the flock & took down the lane towards the British camp. This
deponent who was on foot & Dr. Ridgley who was the surgeon of the
regiment & was on horse-back took after him & caught him. He
was so heavy that it was with difficulty that they got him mounted
before the Dr. who _____ him off _____ this deponent to make all haste
in his retreat as the British were in swift pursuit. Dr. Ridgley was
from Frederick & if living will well remember the _____ While the
army were here the British made ___ ___ a ____ at the white house
______ in Bonabrooke. This deponent with a few others was returning to
camp having been out in quest of something to eat & saw the company
of horse that took him off. They went into the house & saw where
the discharged bullets had hit the upper floor & ceiling. This
deponent knew many officers of the army both regular & militia but
without __ hears their names mentioned he can not remember them. He
does however remember Gens Washington Wayne Sterling ____ Bates Lee
Smallwood & [?] Griffin. Two Colonels Johnson Colo Luckett Streiker
Threwston Tillard Beattie ______ Morgan
Major Dickens Wilkinsen Morse Hardman Ogle Capts Mackinell Fraston Evans Frickle Morris Sloy Bailey McLane & ______
Colonel Stricker Major Wilkinson & Capt Fraston belonged to what
was ____ the Dutch Battalion in which this deponent served about two
months in East Jersey. Col Tillard commanded a regiment of regular that
had ____ marched on the Brittish ____ ____ ____ until he became
religious & left the army. This regiment was acting as guards at
Baltimore. This deponent ____ to guard the army of Burgoyne at ________
Frederick & he was called out to _____ in quelling the tories when
they attempted to take the arsenal at Frederick. Burgoynes army was
soon removed to _______. This deponent was one of the guards. They
crossed at [?] Nolands ferry & passed through ________ . When
Cornwallis left Brunswick this deponent returned to Frederick. He
crossed the Delaware at Flemington. The Schuykill at Reading & the
Susquehanna at ____ Ferry. He passed through Lancaster, Little York
& Taneytown. This deponent has no ____ of his age. He was born on
Rock Creek about 12 miles from Washington city but does not know in
what year this was then Frederick County Maryland. He was living in
Frederick County when he volunteered & was called into service
& although he was not ___ at any on time much over 18 months yet
that in all he served so much he thinks as ____ on ___ years. From
Frederick this deponent removed to Cumberland where he lived some 10
years. From there he went to Frankfurt ____ County Virginia - from
there he _____ to Newton township Muskingham County [rest of page
unreadable on duplicated copy]
This where he resided about 10 or 12 years from there he removed to
Morgan township Morgan county Ohio where he has resided for the last 12
or 13 years. He received a discharge from Capt Young at the close of
the ware but thinking it ______ _______ ______ _____ ______ ___. He is
known in his own neighborhood by [a long list of names - many
unreadable] AB Johnson ______ John Wilkins _____
[much of this unreadable by my copy - need to check microfilm again]
The clergyman residing in their vicinity has been but a few months
& does not know this deponents _________ nor can testify to his
claims. This deponent has no mind of his age. He has no documentary
evidence of his service nor other testimony except the deposition of
his brother William Beckwith hereto annexed.
[another unreadable paragraph followed by witnesses signatures]
Michael Wiseman
Jacob Adams
Wm [?] Darby
A. McConnell
William Hawkins
John E. Horine
And the said court do hereby declare their opinion after the
investigation of the matter & after putting the interrogatories
prescribed by the war department that the above named applicant was a
revolutionary soldier & seems as he state. And the court further
certifies that it appears to them that Michael Wiseman, Jacob Adams,
Alexander McConnell, William Hawkins & John e. Horine are credible
persons & that their statements are entitled to credit & that
the persons named by the applicant in answer to the questions
prescribed by the court under the directions of the war office are
______ who were members of our state legislature & also those who
were & are the principal county officers residing in Morgan
township. They further say that they believe the applicant was a
soldier of the revolution & that he ___ as he states & that his
claim to a pension is generally if not ______ allowed to be just fair
& true in the vicinity where he lives.
_______ B. ______ clerk of the court of _____ ____ of Morgan county
Ohio do hereby certify that the foregoing _______ are original
proceedings of the said court in the matter of the application of
Benjamin Beckwith for a pension.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal of office this 21st day of July 1832
[a pre-printed form with some handwritten answers]
Brief in the case of Benjamin Beckwith of Morgan County in the State of Ohio
(Act 7 June, 1832)
1. Was the declaration made before a Court or a Judge? Open Court of Com. Pleas
2. If before a Judge, does it appear that the applicant is disable by bodily infirmity?
3. How old is he? 72 years
4. State his service as directed in the form annexed.
PeriodDuration of ServiceRankNames of Gen. & Field Ofcs.
In 1776and served from four toPrivateCol Johnson
Enlisted during five yearsCapt Jacob Young
The war
5. In what battles was he engaged? Battle at Short Hills
6. Where did he reside when he entered the service? Frederick Town, Maryland
7. Is his statement supported by living witnesses, by documentary
proof, by tarditionary evidence, by incidental evidence, or by the
rolls? By a living witness
8. Are the papers defective as to form or authentication? And if so, in what respect? Correct
I certify that the foregoing statement and the answers agree with the evidence in the case above mentioned.
Charles SitleWm Allison
Examining Clerk
[new document]
McConnelsville Morgan county, Ohio
Hon J H Eaton
Dear Sir
Enclosed I send you an application for a pension by Benj Beckwith. They
are the original papers from which the minutes were made up.
Professional callings have prevented me from forwarding them sooner. If
you will bear with me while I say that among the antiquated remnants of
mortality whose most familiar inmates are distress & poverty I do
not remember having seen one who possessed a spirit so untamed &
independent as this applicant. Some ten years ago when his whole
property would not amount to 100 dollars he applied for a pension but
felt too independent to take the oath prescribed.
He is now unable to support himself & has only the alternative of
appling for a pension to save himself from becoming a township charge.
His crippled daughter is a terrible object of pity. The court have set
his property full high & all who think the revolutionary veterans
entitled to a claim upon the general fund believe that that claim of
Benj Beckwith should be postponed for no . I have 2 or 3 of these old
monuments under my protection & I can not hear them tell of
marching barefoot - sleeping blanketless & homeless in the winter -
of paying 10 & 12 dollars in such pay as they _____ their wages in
for a gill of whiskey on a day of battle & of paying 3000 dollars
for a ____ worth 25 without thinking they have surely strong claims
upon us who reap the harvest in peace that they have sown in blood. For
my _____ ___ ____ ___ for any other ____ them the ______ that I have
helped them obtain the last remnants of justice. I remain yours
May 15, 1830James L. Gage
If you should grant Mr. Beckwith a certificate please enroll him in the Pittsburgh agency.
Jas L Gage
[new document]
The state of Ohio
Morgan County
Personally appeared in the court of Common Pleas of Morgan county Ohio
this 21st day of July AD 1832 the said court being in session.
William Beckwith who being duly sworn according to law deponent &
saith that he is acquainted with Benjamin Beckwith who has this day
made his application for a pension - that said Benjamin enlisted some
time in the spring of 1776 in the United States service in the town
& county of Frederick in the state of Maryland - that the said
Benjamin was called out by _____ of his said enlistment some time in
the fall of 1778 as near as he can remember & that he continued at
this time in the service of the U.S. about 18 months - That the said
Benjamin was a private in the company of Captain Young in Col Johnsons
regiment. This deponent believes that said Benjamin was in the service
of the Unites States at particular times until the close of the war -
that he was constantly called into service for tours some of greater
& some of less length. He thinks he served in all more that three
years - that he has frequently seen the discharge of said Benjamin but
not of late years & further saith not.
Sworn to & subscribed in open court the day & year aforesaid.
Wm BeckwithAttest P.B. Johnson, Clerk
[new document]
The State of Ohio
Morgan county
Common Pleas April term AD 1830
On this the 23rd day of April AD 1830 personally appeared in open court
William Beckwith who being duly sworn according to law deponent &
saith that Benjamin Beckwith who hath this day made his declaration in
this court is the identical Benjamin Beckwith who enlisted some time in
the spring of the year 1776 in the United States service in the county
of Frederick in the state of Maryland in the continental line of the
United States. That the said Benjamin was called out by virtue of said
enlistment in the fall of 1776 & continued in active service until
the spring of 1778. That the said Benjamin was constantly called out
into active service until the close of the revolutionary war in which
he served when he received his discharge from said service that
deponent has frequently see said discharge - that said Benjamin is now
poor & unable to support himself & family that said Benjamin
has been a citizen of the United States since the 18th March 1818 that
said Benj. now resides in Morgan county Ohio. That his family consists
of 5 children with the eldest of whom he lives that his other four
children are two sons who can maintain themselves & two daughters
one about 14 years of age & the other about 22 or 3 years old who
is miserably crippled that he has also a wife who with himself is
becoming unable to [?] labor by reason of age & infirmity &
that the occupation of the said Benjamin is that of a cooper &
further this deponent saith not. Wm. Beckwith
Sworn to & subscribed in open court this 23d day of April AD 1830
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed the seal of said court this day 23rd day of April 1830.
P.B. Johnson Clerk
The State of Ohio
Morgan County
Com Pleas April term AD 1830
Be it known that on the 23 day of April AD 1830 personally appeared in
open court Wm. Harper who being duly sworn according to law deponent
& saith that he was acquainted with a soldier by the name of
Benjamin Beckwith in the time of the revolutionary war who he this
deponent truly believes to be the identical Benjamin Beckwith who has
this day made his declaration in this court to obtain the benefit of
the pension laws of the United states of the 18th March 1818 & the
first May 1820. That he saw the said Benjamin on the day of the battle
on the plains of Brunswick when the said Benjamin was marching to
battle - that the said Benjamin was a private in the Maryland
continental line & that according to the best of this deponents
remembrance he frequently saw the said Benjamin at the White [?]
Plains; about 6 months before and as long afterwards during all which
time he was serving in the capacity of a private soldier in the service
of the United States that the said Benjamin now resides in Morgan
county Ohio that he is poor & unable to support himself without
assistance & further saith not.
William X Harper
Sworn to and subscribed in open court this 24th day of April AD 1830.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affix the seal of said court this 24th day of April AD 1830.
P.B. Johnson Clerk
[new document]
The State of Ohio
Morgan county
Com Pleas April term AD 1830
On this the 23rd day of April 1830 personally appeared in open court
(the same being a court of record with original jurisdiction over sums
of unlimited amount & vested with power to fine & imprison)
Benjamin Beckwith aged about 70 years who being first duly sworn
according to law doth on his oath declare that he is a resident of said
county at this time. That he the said Benjamin enlisted as a private
for the term to the best of his remembrance of the whole revolutionary
war in the spring of the year 1776 - That he was occasionally called
out during the whole war when he went into the service by virtue of his
duty as an enlisted soldier as above related. That he served in the
company commanded by Captain Jacob Young in the regiment commanded by
colonel Johnson in the Maryland continental line. That he does not
remember whether Jacob Young commanded the company or Col Johnson the
regiment at the time of his enlistment. That he continued to serve
whenever commanded so to do until the close of the war when he was
discharged from service in Frederick in the state of Maryland.
That he was in the battle on the plains of Brunswick on the first day
of March 1777 & in many skirmishes in one of which near
Quibblestown many men were killed (especially three men all gunsmiths
from the same township with this deponent) & Major Francis Dickens
had his horse shot from under him. That he was called out by virtue of
his aforesaid enlistment in October 1776 or near as he can remember
& continued to serve without intermission until the spring of 1778
a term of 18 months. That he served from the time of his enlistment at
the close of the war in the same company & regiment that at the
latter period he was regularly discharged by Capped Young but that said
discharge is destroyed & that he has no evidence of his said
service & discharge except the depositions of William Beckwith
William Harper hereto annexed.
And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United
States on the 18th day of March 1818 & that I have not since that
time by gift sale or in any manner dispense of any property on any part
thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within
the provisions of an act of Congress entitled an act to provide for
certain persons engaged in the land & naval service of the United
States in the revolutionary war passed on the 18th day of March 1818
& that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property
or securities contract on debts due to me nor have I any income other
that what is contained in the schedule hereunto annexed to by me
Benj. X Beckwith
One bed & bedding one cow & calf the common wearing apparel of
myself & wife & one child. That my occupation is that of a
cooper - that I am unable to labor to any considerable extent in
consequence of age & general disability. That I have a wife who is
also aged & infirm & incapable of doing much to support herself
or me. That I have five children with the eldest of whom I live. That
the others live with me in the same cabin. The youngest is a daughter
of 14 years of age. The next oldest is a son of 18 years who ________
for & sustains himself. The next oldest a son of 20 years who
______ for & sustains himself. The next oldest a daughter of 22
years of age who is & has been a cripple from her birth in all her
limbs so much so for instance that the knee [?] bone is on the other
side of her leg on her _____. The eldest is a daughter of 24 years of
age. She has a lease for the cabin in which we live & pays rent for
it. She obtains her living by doing such small jobs of sewing as she
can obtain of the few neighbors who live in the vicinity & that the
names of my said children are Levina the eldest Matilda who is the
cripple David the ____ of said sons Solomon the younger & [?]
Rozella the youngest daughter.
Benjamin Beckwith
Sworn to & subscribed in open court this 23 day of April AD 1830.
Attest P.B. Johnson Clerk
I P.B. Johnson clerk of the court of common pleas of Morgan county Ohio
do hereby certify that the foregoing oath & the schedule thereunto
annexed one truly copied from the ______ of the said court & I do
further certify that it is the opinion of the said court that the total
amount in value of the property exhibited in the aforesaid schedule is
fifteen dollars.
I do further certify that the said Benjamin Beckwith on the 23rd day of
April AD 1830 did appear in open court & make oatht that he the
said Benjamin Beckwith at the time of making the above declaration was
a resident of Morgan county Ohio to wit on the 23rd day of April AD
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed the seal of the said court this 23rd day of AD 1830.
Attest P.B. Johnson Clerk