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Morgan Co, OH
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Nov 1st 1821
I started for the sae of Ohio. Staid the first night in George Town
till about 3 o'clock in the morning
I then started on and passed through Millford about sun rise.After I
had passed Frededick about two milesI was overtaken by a Gentleman by
the name of Rickards who gave me a seat with him in his carriage and
took me along about 13 miles which enabeled me to reach Smyrna where I
put up at the tavern of Mrs Logwood for the evening,
Saturday 3rd
I traveled from Smyrma to Elk Town on which day the latter part was
rainy but I got to the town around sun down put up at Andersons tavern
for the evening in coecil county Maryland.
Sunday 4th
I left Elkton and traveled through the rain and cross a creek called
Altaror which divides Chester county from Lancaster county.A gentleman
carried me across on horseback this was at a tavern called Globes I
staid at a gentlemans house by the name of Benjamin Jones.The gentleman
charged me nothing
Monday 5th
I set off from Mr Jones and that day I saw rocks and hills near on the
river At McCayls Ferry.Here for the first time I must confess I for the
first time felt an awful lonesoness when I beheld the river and each
side so composed of rocks and hills as I have never seen before.I felt
myself low.I crossed the river about 5 and staid at a tavern.I know now
whose.I am now in York County.
Tuesday 6th
I passed through York this day.It rained almost all day and put up Mr
Smithers tavern 3 miles above Yourk County.
Wednesday 7th
I have passed through 3 towns viz,Abbotts,Oxford ,and Gettesburgh in
Adams County Pennsylvania State.This day the rain ceased and the clouds
passed off and I saw the mountain very plain at this burgh.The road
forked and the left hand went to Morgan Town but I am on the right hand
turnpike down to Pittsburgh I put up at the tavern of Thomas Sweney.
Thursday 8th
I reached the foot of the mountain about 2 hours by sun in the morning
.The Inn keeper on Peter Mark In Franklin County Put up at the tavern
of William Brown.
Friday 9th
I passed over the South mountain and through Chamberburgh and put up in
the town of Cornwall town in Franklin County Pennsylvania at the tavern
of Mr Raimment.
Saturday 10th
I am in the county Bedford Pennsylvania going through the mountains
Last night a snow fell covering the ground and the afternoon snowed
regular almost the day out .The day I passed along the Junata River
where I saw very high hills and rocks.Perhaps 100 feet high The rocks
and the hills 100 yrds high passed through Bloody Run and Bedford
town.Put up at Johnsons tavern.
Sunday 11th
This day I traveled through a rough country and the worst road I have
traveled in my ----
Wednesday 14th
I traveled from--son town through Brownsville---14 mile farther which
made ---miles that day and put up at Shalls tavern. It was a very cold
day and snowed some and I crossed the ferry at Brownsville at 10
o;clock am I am now in Washington County state of Pennsylvania.
Thursday 15th
This day I passed through Washington Town a very handsome city where I
turned--he leftI am at a tavern called Riseing Sun I then passed
through Clasburgh and alexander a couple of small towns and put up in
the tavern of William Hall about 14 miles from Wheelon.
Friday 16th
I am now in the state of Virginia,Ohio County. I crossed the Ohio River
into the state of Ohio where I saw a drove of hogs no 715 I traveled 4
miles into the state and put up at the tavern of Johm Nichol in Belmont
Saturday 17th
This day I traveled 23 miles in the Ohio state Had wonderful bad roads
and put up at the tavern of Henry Gilbert this day I passed through St
Clairsville and Morristown.
Sunday 18th
I am now in Guernsey country Ohio state I passed a town called Beamin
Town this day I traveled 2 miles and put up at the tavern of Thomas
Cook.This night it snowed knee deep
Monday 19th
I started and passed through a town called Cambridge 25 miles from
Zeansville.This day I had slippery traveling .I put up at the tavern of
P.Brown in 9 miles of Zeansville.
Tuesday 20th
This day I got to Thomas Walls about a hour by sun up in the morning.I
had not been in the house more than half an hour before Eli Walls came
in We sat down both of us and took breakfast both of us in cousin
Thomas house
This day I am still at cousin Thomas's and him and myself went one mile
where I saw cousin Melly. She is married to a man named Evans Crain
where I took dinner.Se has 8 children 7 girls 1 boy.I then returned in
company home with Thomas.Tarried with him that evening .I am in
Muskigum county state of Ohio.
Thursday 22nd
I left thomas Walls in company with Eli Walls came to Zanesville .This
is the first time I had seen this town.
Friday 23rd
This day I went in company with Eli Walls from Thomas Walls and passed
a town called Milford I got to Jonathans 15miles I saw Jonathan Walls
and Patience and we went over to William Adkins where I saw Silea .We
then went back to Jonathans where we staid all night.
Saturday 24th
Last night the snow fell 6 inches or more deep and continued snowing
all day .It is half a leg deep or more leavel.This day William Adkins
sent for me and I went over from Jnathans and staid all night.
Sunday 25th
I went back to Jonathans and remained all day and it continued snowing
all day .The snow is half leg deep. I am in Morgan county state of Ohio
in Jonathans new house.
Monday 26th
I am this day unwell.Hardly able to sit up .I have been-----felt unwell
Tuesday 27th
This day I am very unwell so I lay down part of the day and the other
part I could just walk around the house with a bad cold I had to go on
the road .I am at Jonathans today.
I am today at Jonathon Walls .I feel some on the recovery .I am reduced
in flesh .I feel unwell.
Thursday 29th
I am but in a midling state of health today I feel as if I had 4or5
fits of ague and fever I can hardly walk without sta---- December
,Saturday 1st This day I went in company with Jonathan and Patience to
a Methodist meeting house to quartely meeting where I heard a man by
the name of Elliee preach from 1st John 3 chapter 9 verse .At night
Jonathan went to preaching again but I staid home with sister Patience.
Sunday 2nd
The fore part of this day was so rainy that none of us went to meeting
but in the afternoon it cleared off .I am still at Jonathans but weak
butJonathan and myself went in the evening to William Atkins and at
night went over to Jeremiah Wises and heard a new lite sermon preached
and the people shouted through out the assembly.The preachers name was
David Edwards .It was a great time.
Monday 3rd
This day I rode with Jonathan to mill about 4 miles along a very mirey
road.Did not get our grist ground this day. Road home without our
bags.A very cloudy dull day.Snowed some.I am but weak and porley.
Tuesday 4th
This day I was all day at Jonathans and at night I went with him to
Joshua Foerachors to meeting where I heard John Reed exhort and after
him Paten Ferson spoke .They both spoke with power and demonstration of
the spirit I can truly say I have never heard men speak with more
especially Furson who gave a brief history of his experience with such
life and power I believe every person in the house must have been
affected in hearing him.I came back and staid at William Atkins all
nighttook breakfast then came home to Jonathans.
Wednesday 5th
This day I read a sermon penned by Barzeldia Miles and another book the
author of James Smith of the trinity of Christ
Thursday 6th
I am all this day at Jonathan Walls .I feel better.
Friday 7th
This day I am still at Jonathans
Saturday 8th
Yesterday and today Jonathan made my shoes on which day cousin Eli came
to his fathers.
Sunday 9th This day Eli Walls and myself went to William Atkins and returned in the evening home.
Monday 10th
This day I am at Jonathans hope to measure corn for Henry Kuses.
Tuesday 11th
Last night snow fell knee deep I am at Jonathans today .Expect to start
home Monday
I am at Jonathans I am obliged to keep my bed.
Thursday 13th
Yesterday and today Jonathan made my shoes .This day I am able to get
up more than half the day
Friday 14th
I staid at Jonathans got some better in health.
Saturday 15th
I was at Jonathans very poorly kept my bed.
Sunday 16th
I got some better.Bid William Atkins and Selia farewell and saw them no
Monday 17th
I started home from Jonathans about sun rise .Bid Patience farewell and
Elijah Atkins.Jonathan came with me to Zanesville about 15 miles and we
parted.I rode 32 mile that day and put up at a Little Dugans tavern.
Tuesday 18th
I rode from Dugans to Barnsville 36 mile when I staid the evening at
the house of Scott 5 mile from Barnsville.
We this day crossed the Ohio River at Wheelon and stoped at the tavern
of Mrs Goodling.
Thursday 20th
We started off from Mrs Goodlings and passed Elaxander and Clayville
,Martinsburg and Washington and staid at a tavern in Hillsborough at
the --------Bellsville,Broge port west Brownville at the river of
Mononghola and Woodstock and crossed Laurel hill and put up at the
tavern of Downes 32 miles
Saturday 22nd
This day we passed Smithfield and Petersburg Traveled 40 miles put up
at the tavern of Halkrote.
Sunday 23rd
This day we passed Frostburg ,Cumberland and put up at the tavern of Mr
Pratt Rode 34 miles today.
Monday 24th
This day we rode through Hancock town and Clear Springs and put up at
Mr Bruens tavern 35 miles.
Tuesday 25th
This day we left Bruens tavern and passed through Hagerstown,
Ledusburgh Mekisson village and put up at the tavern of Mr Packston in
Millersburgh rode 36 or 38 miles today
This day we left Mr Packstons and rode through Gettesborgh took
breakfast Majarit town,Hanover and Manchester and rode 3 mile off to
Thomas Saters on business.Tarried next day and night and on this day
rode 38 miles
Thursday 27th
This day we tarried all day at Mr Saiters.
Friday 28th
This day we left Mr Saiters and passed Hard Scrable Coops town and put
up at the tavern of Samuel James Rode 34 mile on Harford County.
Saturday 29th
This day we left Samuel James and passed through fort deposit where we
crossed the Susquehanah River over a bridge more than one mile long.
Came along the bayside through north east and put up at G.Peacocks
tavern in Elkton rode 35 miles.
Sunday 30th
This day we left Elkton Passed through Middletown,Black Bird and Smyara
and put up at the tavern of MrsCook in Dover Rode 40 miles.
Monday 31st
This day we left Dover and passed through Fredricka and Milford and
George Town got home rode 38 mile Dec 31st 1821
Eli Walls SR